- Is it Safe To Have Sex During Your Period?
Many men and women worry that having sexual intercourse during a woman�s period is unhealthy. Though frowned upon in many cultures and faiths, sexual intercourse during menstruation is entirely normal and completely healthy.
Worries about this act generally stem from societal misconceptions about menstrual blood: most girls are taught from a young age that their menstrual blood is unclean and "dirty," and therefore should be hidden and contained at all times. However, menstrual blood is an entirely natural bodily fluid, and does not in anyway affect a man�s penis or a woman�s reproductive tract. As long as you are engaging in safe and protected sexual intercourse, it is entirely alright for you and your partner to have sex during your period.
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- Can You Get Pregnant During Your Period?
This being said, there is a small possibility of pregnancy during your period. Women often mistake slight bleeding that can occur with ovulation as their period. Unprotected sex at this time can greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Additionally, sperm can live in the female reproductive system for up to three days. Because some women ovulate at the very end of their menstrual periods, sperm may still be alive at this point, and able to fertilize an egg.
- Can You Avoid Catching an STD if You Have Sex During Your Period?
There are a number of myths going around that it is impossible to contract a sexually transmitted disease if you have sex while you are menstruating. Unfortunately, this myth is completely false, and you and your partner are still at risk for contracting any type of STD if you have unprotected sex during menstruation.
Menstrual blood, like semen and vaginal secretions, contains the HIV virus as well as the bacteria associated with a number of other STDS, including Syphilis and chlamydia. Additionally, many women experience herpes outbreaks during their monthly periods, which may actually increase your risk of spreading this disease to your sexual partner. When engaging in sex, no matter what time of the month it is, it is necessary to wear a condom in order to prevent STD transmission.
- Can Having Sex During Menstruation End Your Period?
If you have had sexual intercourse during menstruation you may have noticed that your period comes to an abrupt end within a day of intercourse. Though you may be worried that somehow your menstrual blood has "backed up" or gotten stuck somewhere in your reproductive tract, this is not the case. In fact, your period has probably ended because sexual intercourse has stimulated an increased number of contractions in your uterus, causing your body to expel your menstrual blood more quickly.
During orgasm, your uterus goes through a number of muscular contractions, which can help to speed up menstruation; as your uterus contracts, the endometrial lining begins to shift and is forced out through the vagina. Additionally, semen contains prostaglandins, hormones responsible for causing uterine contractions. The combination of prostaglandins and orgasm may contribute to an increased number of uterine contractions and therefore cause the rest of your menstrual blood to be quickly shed.
- How do You Avoid Making a Mess When Having Sex During Your Period?
Women and men often dislike having sex during menstruation because of the mess that it can cause. However, with a little careful planning you can keep the mess contained and focus on enjoying the experience.
If you are going to have sexual intercourse, try to get your partner to straddle you while you are lying on your back: this will help to slow the bleeding. Lay down some spare towels or sheets beforehand, so that it will absorb any excess blood. You may want to think about wearing a Diaphrgm or cervical cap during sexual intercourse. These will protect you from pregnancy and work to contain any menstrual fluid. However, these barrier methods of birth control should not be used on an everyday basis to collect menstrual blood. Although they are similar, diaphragms and cervical caps are not the same as menstrual cups.
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